Web hosting at MegaWebHost.comAn internet web site can extend your company's reach beyond your traditional clients. Your web site will allow you to be discovered by any of the many internet search portals such as Yahoo and give you a 24 hour, 7 days a week presence available to project information and advertise your business. It can be a means of extending your relationship to new customers or a better way to manage the needs of current customers.MegaWebHost.com provides a flexible service to provide you with any level of assistance to match your needs. We can provide a basic web hosting package where you can provide and manage all your web content to a comprehensive agreement where we can create and manage your entire web site, or any level of assistance in between. Planning a corporate web site requires a little more thought than the standard telephone book advertisement. You have the potential to provide more for your customer. We can prepare and register your site with internet search engines, create an online catalog or customer service site. Let our experienced consultants make your web site experience a profitable one. E-mail us. Contract Terms / Service Agreement All our Intel compatable servers run the Linux operating system with Best Power Fortress Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) to insure reliable operation. Use this link to check for the availability of a domain name.
Domain Name Services:MegaWebHost.com has a Primary and Secondary name server to point traffic to specialized servers for web serving (www), mail serving etc. This is part of the web hosting service. We can also configure our name servers to manage your domain for those who wish to control and manage their own web servers in-house. We can even provide a virtual name server aliased to our system. This hides our presence for those who would like to appear completely independent.
MegaWebHost.com Policies:
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