
XkbGetKeyBehaviors manpage

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XkbChangeTypesOfKey(3)		 XKB FUNCTIONS		XkbChangeTypesOfKey(3)

       XkbChangeTypesOfKey  - Obtain the behaviors (the behaviors array) for a
       subset of the keys in a keyboard description from the server

       Status XkbChangeTypesOfKey (Display *dpy, unsigned int first,  unsigned
	      int num, XkbDescPtr xkb);

       - dpy  connection to server

       - first
	      keycode of first key to get

       - num  number of keys for which behaviors are desired

       - xkb  Xkb description to contain the result

       XkbGetKeyBehaviors  sends  a request to the server to obtain the behav-
       iors for num keys on the keyboard starting with the key	whose  keycode
       is  first.   It	waits  for  a  reply  and returns the behaviors in the
       server->behaviors field	of  xkb.   If  successful,  XkbGetKeyBehaviors
       returns Success.

       If  the	server	map  in	 the  xkb  parameter  has  not been allocated,
       XkbGetKeyBehaviors allocates and initializes it	before	obtaining  the

       If  the	server	does  not have a compatible version of Xkb, or the Xkb
       extension has not been properly initialized, XkbGetKeyBehaviors returns
       BadAccess.  If  num  is	less  than  1  or greater than XkbMaxKeyCount,
       XkbGetKeyBehaviors returns BadValue. If any  allocation	errors	occur,
       XkbGetKeyBehaviors returns BadAlloc.

       BadAccess      The Xkb extension has not been properly initialized

       BadAlloc	      Unable to allocate storage

       BadValue	      An argument is out of range

X Version 11			 libX11 1.6.0		XkbChangeTypesOfKey(3)